The Official Seal of the Teleprompter of the United States

I was inspired by Rush Limbaugh’s personification of President Obama’s teleprompter. Thanks for rantwire for the Latin translation.

42 thoughts on “The Official Seal of the Teleprompter of the United States

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  1. Mike, I can’t wait till this design is released as a bumper sticker! (Please check out \

    BTW, has anyone noticed how effective humor is against Obama? The man lives for applause; anything less than complete adulation and he collapses.

  2. Change “Repeat after me” to “Revolvo Secundum Mihi” for the Latin translation, ala “e pluribus unum” statement.

    Change “I am in control to “EGO sum in imperium”.

    Use capitals or sentence case appropriately.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I had started looking for Latin phrases that would match but felt I just had to strike while the iron was hot. I will try to get that on the seal and see what happens.

    1. I thought about it, but just wanted to get it into blogosphere for the entertainment value at this point.

  3. Absolutely awesome, I almost fell off my chair!!! Hope you don’t mind I ripped it for my blog (credit given to you of course).

    You’ve got to get bumper stickers and T-shirts made. You’ll never have to work again!!

  4. Great job, Mike. Say, you aren’t related to the Mike Moody who went to Paris American High School (the one in France) in 1965 are you?

    1. Sorry no. As far as I know, all my family has been in the states since before the Civil War. But thanks for the interest.

  5. Kudos on the seal Mike!
    One of the funniest things I’ve seen in quite a long time!
    I read your invitation to post it elsewhere, so consider it done along with credits to you and a link to you site!
    I decided to use the version that is in English in deference to any Obama supporters who might see it.
    I would dearly hate for the meaning to be lost on those who need it most!

  6. Dear Michael,

    I was working on a project that would benifit from your “seal” (english version).

    I would need a high resolution download of the image if you would be willing to forward one to me…

    If so, my email address is

    Thank you very much,
    Warmest personal regards,
    Most sincerely,

  7. you might want to get this on cafepress to sell for yourself and make some money. Check it out at This is funny and will get a lot of looks and links

  8. I love that seal. Have promoted it on my twitter account.

    What we need next is something on long the lines of the Church of TOTUS! We need a seal/image for that. This needs to be brought to the people all over the country.

    We have something great here.


  9. Oh please tell me that we are going to be able to get TOTUS t-shirts somewhere and hats, I love hats! Thank God the government hasn’t figured a way to tax our sense of humor! VN8

  10. Mike:
    This is brilliant! Please take a look at our website, and watch our “Top 10 Problems with Traditional Teleprompters.” I think you’ll find several references in your seal illustration.

    We solve the problems our President is plagued with.


  11. I have a confession…. 2 years ago i printed this logo and stuck it on our CFO’s door. The company was Prompter People, who make most of the the Teleprompters sold in the US 🙂 Mod, email me for a photo if you want, I have one lying around somewhere in Picasa I think. GRETA LOGO – thanks for a great laugh, especially as it was often our prompters!

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